Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Getting started with UNIX - Basic commands

List of basic commands of unix

reboot - Immediately stops all running processes, shuts down the system, then reboots.
sudo - Runs commands as root, which means no limitations due to permissions.

shutdown - Stops all running processes and shuts down the system.
Parameters can be specified to issue a delayed shutdown or a shutdown at a particular time.

date - Prints out the current system date and time.
Specified parameters can change the format of the output.

df - Reports the disk space usage for the file system.
hostname - Displays the name of the current host system.
ps - Displays information about all of the processes currently running on the system.
du - Disk usage
ps - List running processes

To know the process id of a process running
 ps -elf | grep process_name
 ps -fA | grep process_name

| -> pipe character is very useful for redirecting output of one command to other
 grep is used to find the pattern

To create a file
 cat filename
 touch filename

To search something in a file
 grep -i thing_to_be_searched filename

To search something across directories
 grep -rn pattern_to_be_searched directory_starting_from_where_search_to_be_started 

To view processes along with the memory they are consuming run
Ctrl + M will sort in decreasing order of memory consumption

chmod / chown - Changes the access permissions of one or more files (chmod) or
changes the ownership of a particular file to a new user (
Only users with permission or ownership of a file can change that file’s permissions or ownership.

chown owner_name filename
chmod 755 filename  

Here 7 is the permission for owner
5 and 5 for group and others respectively

7 - xrw
5 - xr

Access permissions are of three types
 x Execute permissions (4)
 r Read permission (2)
 w write permissions (1)

Aur linux has concept of owner, group and others.

Owner is the owner of the file
Every file or directory belong to a group
And third is others(not owner and not belonging to the group of the file)

Permissions are in the order Owner permissions Group permissions  others permissions

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to know the hostname of your system

Here is a step by step guide on how to achieve this

1) Press Windows + R and type cmd then press Enter or search for cmd by pressing Windows key

2) In the command prompt type hostname and you will get your the hostname of the system

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to set an animated .gif as the desktop background

Many a times we want to do something different like making the laptop/system background using a gif image

GIF (Graphics interface format)
The Graphics Interchange Format (better known by its acronym GIF/ˈɪf/ or /ˈɡɪf/) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987[1] and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability

A sample gif is shown below

See this utility
Bonix Desktop Wallpaper Changer

BioniX Wallpaper Changer is the world's famous wallpaper changer that allows you to fully take control over your desktop. It is the choice of millions of users all over the world and winner of multiple awards from renowned reviewers and critics.

Use and give comments regarding the post.


Download Flappy bird apk and cheat

After a few days the app became a mystery to solve and created a sensation the epic game was removed from the play store.The app became a sudden hit after some 8 months after it's official launch in May-2013 and it's first update in Sep-2013

Here are some of the screenshots of flappy bird game

Since it has been removed from the play store the download link is provided below

Also if you find the scoring difficult you can download flappy bird cheat from here

Please provide suggestions,if any more apk are needed

Happy gaming